Johnny•DecimalBlogForum (new!)

Ideas for posts

20th January 2021 | #meta

This is just a memory-jogger page for me. I realise that this will be publicly posted, but that’s fine. I’m enjoying this whole figure-it-out-in-public thing that seems to be happening these days.

This is what I plan to write about. Let me know what else you’d like to see, or what you’d like prioritised from this list.

In no order (just as they came to mind), but you can use the numbers to refer to these if you get in touch:

  1. How you use your - Note: tags in your index.
  2. A better description of the 00-09 Management & Meta idea (Lucy has written notes).
  3. Would people like a forum? A Slack? A Reddit? A Discord? Something else? >> GitHub discussions?
  4. Using standard/repeating numbers across your system.
  5. Defining the J.D text format. Open this one up to discussion.